Oxford has a strong history of gender diversity in both staff levels and across firm ownership. Supporting a culture that values the exchange of different ideas enables our associates to make stronger connections with clients. It’s well known that men and women approach finance and investing differently. Therefore, a family office team with representation from both genders can provide a more balanced perspective. At Oxford, we promote an inclusive workforce by ensuring gender diversity both in employees and firm ownership. Historically, women have been underrepresented at all levels of the financial services industry. Consider this— women comprise 51% of the overall U.S. population, but make up less than 16% of financial advisers.1 What’s more, even fewer women hold executive positions. You’ll find women in key senior leadership roles across Oxford: our Chief Operations Officer, Chief Talent Officer, Head of Marketing and Head of Family Office Services are women. And, with more women in influential positions, there are greater opportunities to help advance junior women in the firm.
Did you know…
65% of Oxford’s employees are women.
36% of Oxford’s shareholders are women.
37% of Oxford advisors are women.
To help foster an environment where employees feel empowered, in 2016 we created an internal resource group called the Cambridge Society. This forum provides women with quarterly access to education and networking opportunities and a supportive environment around work/family balance. It also helps female employees connect with one another and strengthen leadership development. Workplace mentoring can play an important role in improving employee satisfaction and strengthening our knowledge as a firm.At Oxford, advancing the issue of gender parity starts at the top. Our CEO, Jeff Thomasson, believes that the power of diversity brings great possibility to the table. It’s not just the “right” thing to do — it’s a commitment that benefits the firm, our associates and most importantly, our clients.
Enhancing the connections we make with every individual helps us more accurately align with the needs of our clients.
1“How to Improve Gender Diversity in Financial Advice”, Investment News 3/12/18.